
Industry Solutions: Education

Meet RWA Educational Workforce Associates

The education industry is a vital field that plays a critical role in shaping the future. Educational institutions, ranging from schools to universities, require a highly skilled and passionate workforce to deliver quality education and support student development. However, finding the right talent to meet these unique requirements can be a challenging task. That's where The JobSquad steps in to bridge the gap.

By specializing in serving the education industry, we understand the specific needs, trends, and challenges faced by educational institutions. The JobSquad connects a wide range of talent across disciplines and roles, saving time and resources through streamlined hiring. Our support empowers professionals to excel, while we remain trusted partners in the ever-evolving field of education.

Reserve Talent

What we do

Formed from steadfast business philosophies, the values powering our work move us to approach every aspect of our responsibilities with vigor, integrity and passion. This attitude yields the best possible outcome for everyone involved – substitutes, administrators, teachers, staff, students and the community at large.

We are proud to provide specialized contract education teams across many specializations. That means we have a nationwide, qualified and ready-to-work talent pool in the roles you need now.

Reserve Talent

Education positions we fill

We can fill almost any role, with specializations in the following


Speech-Language Pathologist

School Administrator

Education Technology Specialist

Curriculum Developer

College Admissions Counselor

Special Education Teacher

Academic Advisor

Education Consultant

Researcher in Education

School Social Worker

School Counselor

Why Choose Us

While our teams have successfully served most industries, we have specializations in:

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. 

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available

It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, 

The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text.

Preferred vendor @ over 92% of our clients.

Zero-Hassle credentialing, 

vendor approval process 

including pre-prepped 


Our unique FlexSchedule approach ensure we fill every need and shift and that it stays filled.

Region's largest high quality, specialized education talent network.

Full compliance, continuous education program (via our Relias training partnership).

Added Value

Rachel Wixey & Associates, a JobSquad Family brand, was founded on the belief that standing by best practices, operating with high moral conduct, and prioritizing people will create great results in education. Our commitment to these key principles provides reliable service to all we serve.

  • Dedicated service teams, on-call 24/7/365
  • Benefits, perks and sign-on bonuses for our  contractors so you don't have to
  • Streamlined on-boarding and orientation to fit your needs
  • Ever-growing, on-demand talent pools
  • Volume discounts within same year avail
Reserve Talent

Isn't it time to check out your options?

In under 30 minutes, get to know our suite of solutions and how we develop and guarantee effective HR and workforce solutions for our clients nationwide - whether they need 1 or 1000 contractors, temp to perm or direct hires.

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